
Identification of Seaweeds of SF Bay

Monday, March 13, 2023
Event Time 09:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m. PT
Location 3152 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920
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Our workshop will introduce you to the seaweeds commonly encountered in San Francisco Bay. We will explore seaweed habitats, structure and function, species identification, and specimen preservation. The workshop will include short lectures, intertidal field trips to collect specimens, and time in the lab to examine them closely.

Please bring boots, warm clothes, hand lens, camera, a collecting bucket or bag, and, if you have them, a plant press and 100% rag paper for pressing.

Full field site details to be provided, likely all w/in Marin county

Classroom portion to be held at EOS center.


For more details and to purchase tickets, please click 'Get Tickets'.


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