News Listing
December 01, 2022As a Margaret A. Davidson Fellow hosted by the San Francisco Bay NERR, Olivia Won (she/her) is working hard to shape an eq…
September 29, 2022Read about Bay Area Motus efforts happening in Keeping Up With the Flyers: Wildlife Tracking Breakthroughs by David Loeb…
August 02, 2022Taking the narrow, winding road along Paradise Drive in Tiburon, California, maybe getting carsick along the way, you will…
August 01, 2022Renowned for its beauty and a hub of marine activity, San Francisco Bay is also one of the most invaded estuaries in the w…
July 15, 2022Why is the ocean salty? Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk? Can crows remember faces? These are just some of th…
November 02, 2021Last week, staff from ACE Basin NERR in South Carolina and partners from Mississippi State University came to the SF Bay N…
May 03, 2021Pictured above: Allie visiting Point Reyes National Seashore.
April 12, 2021Nyri tabling for Discovery Day at the EOS Center.
June 23, 2020New data-rich lesson plans connect science learning with current natural events.
June 15, 2020San Francisco Bay NERR held the first of a series of meetings about how we can “be the change we want to see in the world”…
April 16, 2020Learn about marsh plant species and how they are monitored with this virtual plant identification activity
April 16, 2020My name is Catie Thow, I am a second-year master’s student at San Francisco State University’s Estuary and Ocean Science Cen…
January 09, 2017Jan 09, 2017 - Brian Cheng was interviewed for the NRDC article, "'Rivers in the Sky' Rain Death Upon Wild Oysters".…
December 19, 2016Dec 19, 2016 - SFBAY NERR collaborator Brian Cheng interviewed on NPR. Listen to the Brian Cheng interview on NPR.…
Dec 20, 2016 - The Marin Independent Journal published a cover story, "San Rafael China Camp oyster die-off documented in ne…
Dec 18, 2016 - SFBay NERR collaborator Brian Cheng interviewed for "Atmospheric rivers fueled by climate change could decima…