San Francisco Bay NERR
The San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) encompasses over 3,700 acres of tidal marshes and undeveloped uplands that serve as research sites, outdoor classrooms, and recreation destinations. Reserve staff work to restore tidal marshes and strengthen the coastal community through research, monitoring, training, and education. As a staff we are working to be strong allies and provide stewardship for our local frontline communities around our reserve sites and throughout the Estuary.


News & Events
Recent Highlights
California Oyster Restoration
Read about collaborative California oyster restoration research projects in the face of climate change.
Restoration Project StoryMap
Check out a storymap on recent restoration project completed at Lower Spring Branch Creek.
Upcoming Trainings
Current training and workshop opportunities – from living shorelines to communicating science
New Hiring
NERR hires Julie Gonzalez, Ph.D., as the Reserve’s Conservation and Restoration Coordinator